W 03 Gryphons Fury 
                                 Sine Peregrina - June 2000

When the heat of the summer has passed away,
The nights grow cool and still.
The corn, it ripens in the fields, 
The trees with fruit are filled.
Look high in the sky, see gold and red;
Hear the music echoing overhead.
The time of the Gryphons draws near,
The time of the Gryphons draws near.

From the north and the south, the storm draws nigh;
The darkening clouds descend.
Two armies will meet on the battlefield, 
Their honour to defend.
At the front of each line, proud banners will wave;
Calls to the hearts of warriors brave.
The time of the Gryphons is near
The time of the Fury is near.

With a thundering roar, the charge is called,
The swirling dance begins.
Edge and tip meet shield and pole 
As cruel Death rides in.
But from voices rises a fearsome cry,
"We care not if we here shall die!"
The time of the Gryphons is here
The time of the Fury is here.

The tide of battle it ebbs and it flows
As deeds great and small are done.
Then one shall stride forth, one warrior stand 
Who knows the time has come.
To answer the Spirit of Fury's call
And hang th' Embalmed Gryphon in his hall.
The time of the Gryphons is here
The time of the Fury is here.

In the evening's calm, two warriors meet
In friendship sworn to last.
Swords red and gold exchanged are,
With oaths bind the other fast.
"We have fought for the honour of our ladies true,
For grass of green and skies of blue.
Thus, the Fury each year.
Thus, the Gryphons come here!

Performer(s) Sine Peregrina